Tax & Legal

Legal Aid Quickcheck

Digital State Aid Check

Be safe with PwC's digital State aid check

In order to fulfil the mission of services of general interest, federal States, cities and municipalities support municipal and private enterprises with so-called State aid. When granting these financial state aids, the admissibility of funding through State entities under EU State aid law must always be taken into account.



minutes to the result

Quick results – within 5 to 10 minutes you will be certain if your aid complies with EU law



In just a few steps, you can reliably check your aid – and obtain a comprehensive overview of the legitimacy and structuring options under EU State aid law

Gain clarity on EU State aid relevance

With PwC's Legal State Aid Quickcheck, you can gain clarity in just a few steps about the admissibility of your existing and planned municipal funding and its relevance under EU State aid law.


Query of a digital questionnaire

  • Fill in the questionnaire for the project to be audited
  • You will be guided through the questions with the respective answer options and accompanied by helpful indications
  • Our automated decision-making systems check your information for relevance under EU State aid law and show you which options exist to legitimise your State aid under applicable EU law
  • Our lawyers specialised in EU State aid law will support you in the event of discrepancies in your information


Result report with your individual preliminary examination under State aid law

  • A detailed digital report of the results is then automatically generated and sent to you by email
  • According to a traffic light system, the aid under examination is classified in the applicable EU State aid law
  • The result report thus contains comprehensive explanations on the conformity of your aid with the applicable EU law and possibilities to react to this classification


Discussion of results and further steps

  • Our PwC experts are available to answer any questions you may have on the results report
  • Our lawyers specialised in EU State aid law will be glad to assist you with the individual legal analysis
  • If the granting of your funding is classified as critical under EU State aid law, we will of course discuss further legal steps with you

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