Tax & Legal

Taxonomy Classification

EU Taxonomy Software

Check your bank portfolio for EU taxonomy compliance with the PwC taxonomy tool in a simple and efficient way

The regulatory requirements for financial and credit institutions are constantly growing. Since the beginning of 2022, banks have been required to report on the taxonomy compliance of their portfolio. From 01/01/2024, the reporting obligation on taxonomy compliance will follow.


Cost savings

The Fast Track solutions of Taxonomy Classification minimise the data entry effort in the loan origination process, simplify and shorten the review process and thus reduce the burden on your resources.

Legal and audit-proof

Our taxonomy tool is characterised by continuous further development and adaptation to current regulatory requirements.

Time savings

PwC's Taxonomy Classification translates complex regulatory requirements simply into specially developed checklists.

Align yourself with regulatory requirements – with the EU taxonomy software from PwC

The tool-based taxonomy compliance solution allows you to capture all relevant data in a complete and simple way right from the start.


Checklist procedure

Using a structured checklist from Taxonomy Classification, you can check whether the economic activities that you finance contribute to climate protection or affect the achievement of other EU environmental targets.


Taxonomy compliance solution

Various logics in the background of the tool and simplified text modules contribute to an uncomplicated and targeted taxonomy compliance check.


Your bank's sustainability reporting

With the help of Taxonomy Classification, you can easily find out how aligned with the applicable EU taxonomy regulation and thus how sustainable your portfolio is.


Current technological standards with an intuitive user interface

Thanks to OCR and AI as well as our long-standing partnership with Microsoft, our cloud-based tool is always up to date. The PwC taxonomy check can also be expanded to include other modern cloud technologies.

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