Tax & Legal

VAT Data Check

Review and visualise taxable business transactions

Analysis tool for checking VAT business transactions

To facilitate interactive risk identification and potential error detection, PwC has developed the VAT Data Check. Our application is based on a wide-ranging database that goes beyond the sole consideration of your company's financial accounting system. With the support of the VAT Data Check, you can look for VAT inconsistencies in all areas of your business and identify potential sources of error.


40 +


40 + checks are immediately available. We are happy to customise further checks specifically to your requirements.

100 %


Our VAT Data Check is specially designed for the SAP ERP system. This eliminates the need for time-consuming customisation processes.

Process of a project with VAT Data Check

We extract the data using the SAP standard module DaRT, exchange it through a secure platform and prepare the data. In the next step, you will receive an overview of the data in a dashboard.


Kick-off workshop

Defining project goals, timetable and deliverables to achieve optimal results, as well as determining the focus of the analysis.


Data extraction and exchange

If applicable, setting up the SAP Data Retention Tool (DaRT), obtaining GOBD-compliant data extraction and securely exchanging the extracted data.


Data processing

Validating data quality, completeness, and processing requirements, as well as cleaning and preparing the data.


Analysis and results

Ensuring the quality of analyses through the use of checkpoints, etc., and creating the dashboard.



Presenting the optimised results and providing the dashboard.

In the Spotlight



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