Tax & Legal

VAT Rate Finder

Local value-added tax rates based on customs tariff numbers

Our solution for determining the applicable VAT rate

Tax departments are faced with the challenge of keeping up with the speed and diverse VAT tasks of day-to-day business. If products are sold to customers (B2B and B2C), the issued invoice must indicate the correct VAT rate.



Customs tariff numbers

VAT Rate Finder gives you tax rates/conditions for over 10,000 8-digit customs tariff numbers.



VAT Rate Finder gives you an overview of tax rates from 11 countries.

How does the VAT Rate Finder work?

Our application associates the customs tariff numbers of your products (as assigned by you) with the VAT data of the respective countries.


Selecting the input format

You choose whether to enter a single customs tariff number or to import the query data through a file.


Data input

For a single query, you enter a customs tariff number and select the countries to be queried, as well as the output language.

For a bulk query, the file is uploaded, and the column containing the customs tariff numbers is selected.


Data output

The application provides the applicable value-added tax rates and, if applicable, the conditions for a reduced rate. To facilitate optimal further processing of the output data, the results are visualised in an Excel table.


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