Document Tags
Efficient document management
Document Tags – PwC's Workday feature
PwC's Document Tags solution extends the document management capabilities of Workday. This means your HR department can easily and efficiently manage and edit all documents and automate workflows with Workday's built-in functionality – without buying an external solution. Additional document purge check-ups as well as profile completeness checks ensure compliance at all times.
40 - 70 %
lower costs
Lower costs compared to comparable solutions, as no additional custom integrations need to be created
Find all relevant documents by adding up to 20 document tags (text, location, organisations etc.) to new and existing documents
All documents and functions remain in one Workday system
Get the most out of your documents with our document management solution
The functional extension in Workday enables you to improve reporting functions by providing additional detailed information from documents.
Manage documents as a team
- Documents uploaded as part of an HR business process can be tagged with additional information.
- Tag documents with important information such as a deletion deadline, a date when the document should be reviewed or in which business process the document was added.
- Define which documents must be present in an employee profile and identify discrepancies.
Automate tags
- Tags can be added manually or automatically
- With our powerful rule set, we provide you with "Simple Rules" that you can activate with just a click to tag your documents after uploading them to the system
- In addition, you can add your own rules to automatically assign tags to documents as you wish
- Tags can include not only text, but also locations, organisations and dates
Stay on top of everything
- Find documents and filter by tags as well as predefined attributes
- Filter by individual employee or get an overview of all employees in your department
- Use the existing authorisation system in Workday, so that authorised users only have access to the documents they need
- All tags can also be used in your customer or standard reports to filter by criteria