Cloud & Digital

Document Insights

Turn your documents into data-driven insights

AI-supported document analysis for each

In order to read out the data, a high level of manual effort is required, which is also time-consuming and cost-intensive, as well as not scalable to large amounts of data. Companies therefore often have to do without or can only partially use the information that this data contains. In order to automatically convert documents into structured information, expert tools that use artificial intelligence are already being used. However, these solutions are often complex, highly expensive and require technical know-how.

Your benefits

85 %


Up to 85 % of the data in a company is unstructured. Until now, companies have not made full use of their data. We unearth their data treasures and make them accessible.

100 %


Document Insights simplifies the process of analysing documents, reducing manual work by up to 100%.

100 %

Flexible use

You can train our software for your specific use cases in the shortest possible time and thus cover all areas of your company.

Extract data in a simple and efficient process

You can easily train Document Insights to give you the data you want. After completing the training, our system will extract data from your documents on its own. Learn how to obtain your data step by step:


Create project

In a newly created project, you can upload your PDF files. Our tool enables the processing of all documents - regardless of the subject area, the structure of the documents or the language used. Everything that can be marked in the document (numbers, names, texts) is recognised.


Mark data

By marking the data you want to extract, you trigger the process. You can create as many data points as you need.



The training of the AI starts automatically with the first document. With each subsequent document, you can then correct the AI through interaction to further improve it. When you are satisfied with the quality, you can then have the remaining data extracted automatically.


Process documents

When your AI has reached the desired quality, you can stop the training and let the AI process all remaining documents automatically.


Export data

Export the data from all documents and download an XLS file. You can add more documents at any time without further training.

In the Spotlight



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