Data Analytics Academy

Employee-led transformation with PwC

Let us shape the future together.

The ability to "understand data and communicate it effectively" has become a basic requirement in most Corporate divisions.



Time saving

The standardisation of data-driven processes and the continuous generation of insights from data can lead to enormous time savings.


Cost reduction

Automating time-consuming, repetitive tasks can reduce recurring errors, complexity, isolated process knowledge and ultimately cut costs.


Registered participants in 150+ countries

The Data Analytics Academy is, a successful digital upskilling programme that has been established within PwC for years and has already helped numerous clients across industries to achieve a successful digital transformation.

A modular programme to improve data literacy

Employees are empowered to solve business problems, make data-driven decisions and communicate insights effectively.


Data Analytics Online Academy

The Data Analytics Online Academy combines theoretical and practical components in a 14-16-hour e-learning. The aim is to increase skills in the areas of data analysis, visualisation and automation and to create awareness regarding the possibilities of modern business intelligence tools and a data-driven way of working.


Data Analytics Innovation Academy

Within the framework of a 1.5-day workshop, which is usually spread over 3 days pre-acquired digital skills are first deepened and then applied in the ideation session. Everyday challenges are identified that can be made more effective and efficient with the help of analyses, visualisations or automation.


Post Academy Sprint und Showcase

The Post Academy Sprint offers participants the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills in the realisation of their concrete use cases. During this time, they are accompanied and supported by PwC's data analytics experts.

In the Spotlight


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