PwC Booklet EU Posted Workers Directive July 2019








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The EU Posted Workers related Directives from 1996 (96/71/EC), 2014 (2014/67/EC) and 2018 (2018/957/EC) are subject to implementation in each EU Member State within 2 years after they have been adopted by the EU Parliament/Council. Each EU Member State is in the position to implement the according directives individually. As a consequence, the regulations differ in severity and complexity. Note that countries outside of the EU (such as Switzerland or Iceland, for example) have also transitioned posted worker notification requirements into national law.The consequence is that each business trip or posting to any country within the EU/EEA or to Switzerland including must be analysed individually. The country-specific rule as to whether a notification must be submitted or not must be applied. Various exemptions are relevant in this respect regarding the type of activity, the duration of stay, the different employee groups or whether the posting or business trip includes service delivery or not.Further requirements regarding the EU Posted Workers obligations relate to document storage as well as the obligation to keep the documents available for potential inspections by the relevant authorities. In addition, it is required to appoint a contact person or/and representative who is authorized to handle requests by the authorities in the host country.One of the core aims of the EU Posted Workers notification obligation is to protect the employee’s rights by ensuring minimum standards regarding minimum/equal pay, working hours as well as other working conditions.In case of incompliance, fines to employers and employees as well as other potential sanctions may apply.Download contains the free short version. If you are interested in purchasing the long version, please contact Theresa Anna Rzeppa, contact on the right.  >to German edition