
Real-time Brand Valuation

Assessing your brand popularity

Know straight away how consumers perceive your brand

The value of a brand has a direct impact on a company’s commercial success. A strong brand generates trust from the customer and sets the company apart from its competition. However, how can a brand’s value be captured in monetary terms – preferably in real time – and the marketing adapted accordingly?

Ihre Vorteile

More than 150

million real-time data sources determine your brand value

The 1st

global tool to allow the measurement of brand values in real time

Our approach at a glance

Real-time Brand Valuation combines public and social listening data from PwC Digital Intelligence Services with a finance-oriented brand valuation model. The new digital product calculates market-specific indicators and the corresponding monetary impact on the value.


Defining the Brand Metrics

  • Calculation of brand-specific indicators for any time and place (brand awareness, image strengths, brand relevance)
  • Deduction of a Real-time Brand Index
  • Evaluation and comparison of customer opinions, competitors and industry trends in real time based on 150+ million public and social media sources
  • Visualization of marketing campaigns and integration with numerous different data sources 
  • Saving on cost and time by dispensing with panel studies


Performing the Brand Valuation

  • Brand valuation in real time: daily, weekly, monthly
  • Analysis of brand value growth over time
  • Development of a Real-time Brand Index
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of market strategies and marketing measures and calculation of their contribution to the brand value
  • Measurement of the influence of brand investments on the brand value
  • Isolated analysis of the factors that influence the brand value and deduction of the value contributions 
  • Region- and country-specific brand valuations
  • Brand valuations for corporate and product brands


Real-time Brand Valuation

  • Examination of the brand-KPIs in comparison to the competition
  • 1 Brand, 2 valuation measurements
  • In two 2-week sprints you get first insights into your brand value development

€ 20,000

MVP Prototype

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