Tax & Legal

Market Taxation Analyzer

Assess the OECD Unified Approach impact

Taxation of the digital economy

How should digital business models be taxed internationally? The OECD has been working on this question for some time and now developed an approach based on two pillars. By the end of 2020, all OECD member states should agree to the new OECD approach. Thus, companies must prepare now!

Your benefits


The profit distribution within the group will be simulated based on data


The tax effects under Pillar One are clearly visualized.

Individual user interface

The interactive and intuitive dashboard allows you to operate and customize the tool yourself

Simulate the effects of the OECD Approach – with our tax tool

The tool was created in PowerBI and allows you to change various scenarios and assumptions by modifying the interactive dashboard using drop-down menus.


Excel template fill-in

In order to set up the tool for your company, all you have to do is fill in an Excel template provided by us. This template contains, for example, country-specific revenues or the effective tax rate of your company. Of course, the data is subject to our legal confidentiality obligations.


Online access

After we received the template, you will be provided with the online access (for six months and a maximum of three people) to the Market Taxation Analyzer and will be able to run a simulation for your company group with our interactive dashboard.


Discussion of results during virtual meeting

In the course of a one-hour call, we will then guide you through the tool, discuss the effects on your company and clarify any questions you might have. With our analysis we give you a first comprehensive assessment of the effects and challenges of Pillar One for your company group. We would be happy to support you with further analyses under a separate contract.


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