
Check Your Data Infrastructure

Quick and resource-saving overview of your sustainability data

Our solution for your ESG data management: Check Your Data Infrastructure

Companies are facing the challenge of increasing regulation and new reporting requirements in the area of ESG - such as the EU Taxonomy or the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act.

The most important features of our data management consulting

Check Your Data Infrastructure offers you the possibility to get an overview of the status of your ESG-relevant data quickly and in a resource-saving way. On this basis, our experts can then draw up appropriate strategies and measures as part of a professional data management consultation.



  • Preparation of a comprehensive report on the data requirements from different business areas
  • Inventory of existing data and data streams in the company to identify gaps



  • Inventory of the IT infrastructure for the collection and output as well as the reporting of data to the various stakeholders
  • Overview of external service providers with a focus on data collection and reporting in the respective industry in order to find the appropriate provider



  • Data gap analysis to identify data gaps incl. recommended action on how missing data can be collected or sourced in a cost-efficient way
  • Establish a target picture for the IT and database infrastructure and compare it with the status quo to show different options and evaluation in terms of production and operating costs.
  • Concrete recommendations for action for the redesign of the data infrastructure in preparation for budgeting for the following financial year



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