
Cash Prediction and Procurement Prediction

Smart, integrated forecasting of your KPI metrics

Shape your future with intelligent IT systems

The Cash Prediction and Procurement Prediction solutions developed by PwC and Celonis enable you to monitor current business processes and obtain a forecast of the future course of your key figures (e.g. sales volume or purchasing volume). You choose which data may be useful to get analysed in detail. The use cases are wide-ranging – from classic sales and revenue forecasts to liquidity forecasts and customer-specific forecasts, a variety of analyses is possible.



Efficiency increase

Detect emerging fluctuations or bottlenecks at an early stage and monitor processes in real time.


Quicker overview

With a dashboard, you have a quicker overview of your financial key figures and you create transparency about the future development of your business.


Quality improvement

Achieve an increase of up to 70% in the quality of forecasts.

Possible sequence of a process mining and forecasting project

Our analyses are designed so that we can quickly achieve initial results with your data. Customised adaptations can be taken into account on request.



  • Coordination of the relevant process and data basis
  • Discussion of the goals of the analysis and possible questions that get answered in the analysis as well as currently available forecasting processes and instruments


Technical definition of the process

  • Detailed qualitative process scoping for the process mining part
  • Derivation of PM activities
  • Precise differentiation of the process
  • Discussion of the exact forecasting processes
  • Identification of the data basis for the forecast
  • Coordination of the forecast horizon and the relevant key figures


Table definition and data extraction

  • Identification of the relevant tables and source systems
  • Definition of the data requirements for the extraction
  • Extraction of on requirements based data and the relevant tables for the forecast
  • Alignment of the relevant external factors for the forecast


Implementation of the analyses in Celonis

  • Data validation and data pre-processing
  • Structure of the data model
  • Structure of the analyses and, if necessary, developing customer-specific KPIs
  • Modelling the forecasts using different forecast models and identifying the best model
  • Assembling the results


Evaluation of the analyses and next steps

  • Processing the results
  • Presentation and discussion of the results
  • Creation of a summary of measures
  • Definition von Maßnahmen für zukünftige Handlungen
  • Discussion of further procedures
  • If necessary, integration into Celonis/ BI tools

In the Spotlight



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