Tax & Legal


Tax compliance for investors in investment funds

Tax Compliance Tool for institutional investors of investment funds

Institutional investors, in particular (life) insurance companies as well as companies in the context of pension provision, often have substantial fund investments. The Investment Tax Act prescribes extensive calculations at the transaction level.


Time and cost saving

Our automated solution enables a significant increase in efficiency compared to a manual determination.

Quality improvement

Using our InvestorTax@OneClick tool, manual errors are reduced to a minimum.

clear display

You receive the results from us as a dashboard, clearly sorted by company, fund and the various tax bases to be calculated.

Installation effort

Our service is a managed service. No installations or system adjustments are required on your premises. You can get started straight away!

Structured and automated process

You benefit from our field-tested and automated process. We incorporate our many years of experience into further optimisations.


Efficient process and data provision

We support you in obtaining the necessary data, identify contact persons and establish communication channels. The central element is the information on fund transactions, i.e. unit certificate movements, distributions and similar transactions as well as year-end holdings.


Tool-based calculations with InvestorTax@OneClick

Determination and further development of all balance sheet memo items and off-balance sheet adjustments in accordance with the Investment Tax Act, both under the old law (InvStG 2004), for the fictitious sale in accordance with section 56 InvStG 2018 and under the new law (InvStG 2018).


Work results and their use

As a work result, you receive all values according to the InvStG from us for direct use including a modern PowerBI dashboard with summaries and explanations. This includes a package with detailed presentation of the calculation results and bases at transaction level.

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