Commercial Due Diligence - Die Königsdisziplin









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Commercial due diligence is considered the supreme discipline in the transaction environment: it is the only analysis discipline that deals with the future viability of a company. Essentially, every company is bought because the buyer hopes for the most positive development possible in the future. This is precisely where risk assessment comes into play. "Commercial due diligence (CDD) is the "careful" examination of a target company from a market, customer and competitive perspective in the run-up to the company acquisition and in close connection with financial due diligence. The objective here is to quantitatively analyse the business planning of the company to be acquired. The basis is a detailed analysis of the target company, its market environment, customer behaviour and its positioning in the relevant current and future competitive environment," says Ralph Niederdrenk, transaction expert and partner at PwC. An integral part of this is a comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks of the company to be acquired (also known as a SWOT analysis). The author of the specialist book "Commercial Due Diligence - The supreme discipline", Dr Ralph Niederdrenk, explains why the process is becoming increasingly important and what a tried-and-tested procedure can look like. You can download a reading sample as a pdf.