Free whistleblower webcast

Updates and Insights – Whistleblower and Ethics Reporting Channel

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Reporting channel for whistleblowers: stay up to date with our webcast

Our next whistleblower webcast for you: 6 June 2024, 10:00–11:00

Our speakers:

Jan Gerd Möller is a Senior Manager at PwC and a specialist for legal advice on governance and compliance issues as well as being responsible for the provision and operation of the Whistleblower and Ethics Reporting Channel as a whistleblower system for our clients.

Hanna Peiseler is a Manager at PwC and an expert on the implementation of requirements associated with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA), which has been in force since March 2021.

Please note: The webcast will be held in German.

The most important updates & insights in just 60 minutes

All companies and departments with more than 50 employees are obliged to set up an internal reporting channel and thus offer whistleblowers the opportunity to provide information on possible legal violations in a confidential environment.

With the Whistleblower and Ethics Reporting Channel, we provide you with both the reporting channel itself and our service for setting up and operating the whistleblower system.

In our webcast series "Updates and Insights – Whistleblower and Ethics Reporting Channel", you will receive a 60-minute update from us, for example on regulatory innovations, an overview of best practices in connection with our whistleblower platform and answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).



Please send us your questions in advance. We will collate them and answer them in the whistleblower webcast.

Requirements of the LkSG

Find out what you need to consider with regard to the national SCDDA and the EU-wide CSDDD when setting up a reporting centre and carrying out a risk analysis.

Lessons Learned

We share our experience with you regarding the delivery and handling of notices.

Support offer

We explain the (new) advantages of our whistleblower solution and how you can fully outsource the reporting channel to PwC.

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