
Fee Calculator

Calculation made easy

The tool for public institutions

The manual execution of fee calculations with tools such as MS-Excel is time-consuming and expensive. In addition to the high consulting costs for the preparation of the calculation, the required broad database must be compiled manually by you and your employees on a regular basis and coordinated with your service provider. These work steps are time-consuming and tie up your personnel resources. The results of manual calculations are usually available to you only in the form of MS-Excel value copies and written statements. The further EDP-sided utilization of the work results, e.g. analyses over several years or long-term evaluations, cannot be realized or can only be realized at great expense. Particularly in times of digitization, a manual working method is no longer up-to-date. With the digital and platform-based Fee Calculator we prepare the calculations for you. The Fee Calculator is the first digital service tool for the preparation of fee calculations.


> 50 %

Saving time and costs

You save time and costs with our solution due to significantly faster processing.

100 %

Digitisation potential

The new transparency of your calculation and a structured data basis enable the sustainable improvement of controlling and accounting.


Years of expertise

Our experts support you in the preparation of fee and charge calculations.

Your benefits

With the digital and platform-based Fee Calculator, you get comprehensive analyses at the push of a button. Simple, fast, uncomplicated! And above all: less cost-intensive!


Connection of our tool

The platform-based tool is connected directly to your accounting software via an interface. This automates the process of calculating fees and charges. All we need for this is a data record from an interface included as standard in your accounting software.


Our dashboard

An intuitive dashboard provides you with numerous interactive analyses and reports. These include, for example, the development of chargeable costs or multi-year internal and cross-company time comparisons.

In the Spotlight



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