Evaluation von Systemenfür automatisierten Energiehandel am Intraday-Markt

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Our white paper examines different providers of solutions for automated trading in the intraday market. The study highlights the role change of automated intraday trading in the face of dynamic changes in the European energy markets. With the phase-out of nuclear energy and the goals of reducing CO2 emissions, renewable energies are becoming increasingly important. The study analyses leading providers of automated trading solutions, offers insights into system characteristics and functionalities and introduces market-leading players such as energy & meteo systems GmbH and EXXETA AG. From resilient trading structures to flexibility in implementation, all aspects are considered. The whitepaper facilitates provider comparison through a criteria catalogue based on provider interviews. A comprehensive overview of the system landscape, licence costs and supplementary services such as consulting and testing completes the study. The white paper provides companies with valuable insights for a well-founded reorientation of their intraday activities and promotes the understanding of the potentials of automated trading in the evolving energy market.

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