Tax & Legal

Tariff Classification Engineer

AI-supported customs tariff classification of goods from PwC 

From complexity to efficiency: Automated mass pricing with PwC

When companies involved in international trade flows, production, and distribution structures are asked about a central, unresolved challenge, the answer often is: customs tariff classification of goods across the entire material master as part of ongoing processes. Why? Customs departments cannot meet requirements such as sufficient master data quality, tax compliance, sound and controllable customs costs, smooth processes in the supply chain, relevant expertise and efficient processes for preparing customs clearance if the tariff classification of goods lacks in terms of quality and operations.    


<74 %

time saving

With the tariff classification software, you can determine at least 2,000 customs tariff numbers with AI every hour. This is not feasible manually. 

<77 %

cost saving

AI-supported goods tariffing replaces repetitive tasks and improves quality, while saving resources and costs and ensuring solid documentation. 


success factors

The Tariff Classification Engineer brings together two success factors: State-of-the-art AI technology and customs law expertise with many years of application experience. 


weeks project duration

Our PwC experts work with you to create efficient and predictable projects. What otherwise would take one to two years becomes four to six weeks. 

Mass classification with AI and PwC expertise

With the Tariff Classification Engineer, you not only determine the customs tariff numbers of individual goods. You can also subject already classified goods to a compliance and quality check and classify new portfolios quickly and with minimal labour costs. 



In the first step, our experts work with you to gain an overview of data availability and quality. To ensure that the information is suitable for automated product classification and available for the rest of the process, our PwC experts also check the data consistency across the product master and supplementary data sources from other company processes. 


Implementation of AI-based web tariffing

To achieve the best possible results, we evaluate in a test phase in close consultation with you and traide AI whether adjustments need to be made to the input data set. This collaboration ensures that technical, business and customs requirements are taken into account. 


Feedback of the results

Finally, the results of the AI analysis must be validated: What type of sample is appropriate? Are there ambiguous results? Has the AI identified relevant information gaps? After validation, the customs implications of the analysis are derived: What customs burden do the assigned customs tariff numbers lead to? Is there a need for action in order to maintain customs compliance? 
