
AI-Powered Value Stream Analysis with ONIQ

Creating digital twins of value streams for production 

Optimise your production processes with PwC's digital value stream analysis

Value stream analysis is a proven tool for optimising production processes in businesses. Particularly in terms of increased manufacturing efficiency and waste reduction, it is a valuable lever for identifying weaknesses and improvement potential. 


Value stream mapping at the touch of a button

Feedback data from production-related IT systems (e.g., MES, PDA, PPS, IIoT) can be seamlessly transferred into a digital value stream twin without manual mapping. 

Comprehensive process capture

Value stream mapping captures and analyses all aspects of the process, including material and organisational efficiency, and equipment effectiveness. 

Sustainable value stream optimisation

AI-powered value stream analysis exposes weaknesses and waste in your value streams. Our industry experts assess the overall picture and provide specific recommendations for optimising your production processes. 

State-of-the-art technology

To provide in-depth insights into processes, IQ|A utilises machine learning algorithms specifically designed for production processes. Additionally, automatic analyses and the expertise of our lean production experts contribute to the process evaluation. 

Ideal Collaboration between PwC and ONIQ

In a three-month lighthouse project, our process experts use value stream analysis software to scrutinise a selected production segment and derive potential improvement measures. Subsequently, you can permanently integrate ONIQ into your company and generate value stream twins for production. 


Data preparation and integration

Our PwC experts assist you in setting up the lighthouse operation. Initially, historical process data from your existing system is prepared by ONIQ and integrated into the value stream analysis software. 


Simulation and training

Simulate your value streams and test various scenarios by comparing their respective impacts on your metrics. As part of user training, we guide you through the AI-powered value stream analysis, providing individual support for deriving sustainable improvement measures. 



To permanently integrate the value stream analysis software into your operation, your existing IT systems are linked through continuous data integration, expanding the scope of analyses to all value streams. 


Roll-out and scaling

Having made initial decisions based on thorough digital value stream analyses, we are happy to assist you in rolling out and scaling the software in your company, as well as designing a tailored change management process. 

In the Spotlight
