
EQUAL-SALARY Certification

Commit to equal wages in your company

A statement for fairness and transparency

Equal wages among women and men is becoming increasingly important for many companies. This can be a decisive competitive advantage, especially in the competition for the best talents.


Your company

The certification leads to an improvement of your employer branding, profitability and reputation due to transparency and fairness.

Your employees

Certification increases employee satisfaction, retention and performance as a result of comprehensive transparency of compensation data.

Your stakeholders

Certification leads to more public recognition of socially relevant issues and compliance with regulatory requirements (e.g. EntgTranspG, CRD V, ESG).

More success thanks to the EQUAL-SALARY certification

How can your company commit to inclusion and diversity? Three simple steps will lead you to EQUAL-SALARY certification.


Statistical analysis

The statistical regression model analyses the pay gap. A list of individual employee cases that fall outside the criteria is generated to create a specific action plan for them. In the case of an unsuccessful outcome, the process can be suspended for up to 12 months for remedial action.


On-site audit

During the on-site audit, PwC performs audit procedures in accordance with international standards, the subject matter of which is as follows:

  1. The willingness of management to equalise pay
  2. Integration of equal pay policies within the HR processes and policies
  3. Employee perception of the company pay practices.
  4. HR policies: looking for potential gaps that could lead to discrimination and affect the development of employees



After passing the audit, the company is awarded the EQUAL-SALARY label by the independent EQUAL-SALARY Foundation. The certification is valid for 3 years. During the period, PwC carries out two surveillance audits to check for possible improvements.

In the Spotlight
