Tax & Legal

Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Conversion and Transmission

Formatting Country-by-Country reports the right way

Our solution for converting the CbC report you have created

In Germany, country-by-country reporting to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) must be transmitted in XML format in accordance to the regulations published by the OECD and via an interface set up for this purpose. In addition to converting the CbC report into the appropriate file format, this requires registration and activation by the BZSt in order to use the electronic mass data interface (ELMA) or the alternative file upload via the BZSt online portal.


Ensuring an error-free file in XML format that can be transmitted to the BZSt

Early detection of possible risks due to key figure analysis and risk assessment

No registration required for electronic transmission to the BZSt
